Soul Light Crystal - Scolecite
Scolecite works with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, bringing a deep, inner peace to those who use it. It can be used to increase connectivity between members of a group and help individuals in the group to be more tolerant of each another. Scolecite can gently enhance meditative and dream states breaking through stagnant emotional, physical, and mental energies.
Scolecite is a very peaceful and calming stone. The energy of Scolecite sends a deep and relaxing peace, affecting all chakras and the aura. This stone is helpful in accessing the Akashic records and making contact with extraterrestrials, angels and guides. It allows us to receive ancient knowledge from past and future civilizations. Scolecite is a stone of connections, patterns, and peace. It has energy for helping to see patterns of information, make connections, networking, and collecting patterns. It forms in volcanic bubbles called vesicles imagine white obsidian. Scolecite is associated with the third eye and crown chakra, it gently awakens the higher mind, helping one to gain a deeper understanding of one’s soul journey. It enhances the dream state and assists with dream recall. The peaceful energies of this stone can help support proper serotonin levels within the brain.