Salt ~ Sugar ~ Water ~ Energy
For you, the four basic food groups are sugar, salt, water, and energy. After dong these sessions, one of the things you’re going to have to be aware of is that your body may desire more sugar, more water, more salt, or more energy. So you have to ask your body, “Body what do you need or desire?” One of the things that has happened numerous times for people is that after doing these classes felt incredibly tired. Drink a can of cola. You can also take something else like colloidal silver, but after $84 of colloidal silver, you might find that 3 cans of cola is a cheaper way to get out of feeling tired. Your body uses sugar.
We are doing a lot of electrical discharge here. Salt and water are the sources of discharge. Sugar and water are what your brain uses. Your body does not care whether you ingest it as spoons full of sugar, coke, or protein, or yogurt. It takes all the sugar and delivers it directly to your brain. With the discharges that we are doing with these processes, you are discharging the electrical component of thought, which activates the synapses in your brain, which is what causes you to need sugar.
98% of our sugar consumption goes to our brain. If you’re a thinker, your body requires more sugar. Much of that brain activity is you picking up all the thoughts, feelings, and emotions from other people and thinking they are yours.
Your body needs sugar of one kind or another. If you wish to be healthy, you can do all the organic systems. But if you have the point of view that
if you are not doing those, you are not healthy … then you are creating ill
health. Your point of view creates your reality – the results you have with everything.
You can live off energy. There is energy everywhere. How often do you allow it to come into your body? Right now, pull energy into your body from everything around you. Now pull energy from me. If you want to get people around you moving, pull energy from them so much that they suddenly get energized because when you pull energy, it moves through them.