B. inflammation
C. stored toxins
D. war zone in the body
E. oxidative stress
Actually it’s “All of the above”. The body is a magnificent machine with all its intricate functionalities.
I personally learned the hard way how the body can fight back against that which is ingested. All these years later, I am still working to bring the
functionality of my organs back up to 100% after years of anti-inflammatory over the counter and prescription drugs … especially my liver. And what I see is that in taking ibuprofen to reduce inflammation and relieve the pain of tendonitis for many years, had exactly the opposite effect in my body … it CREATED inflammation because the body did not know how to assimilate the foreign matter … chemicals in the form of a pain reliever.
I believe that we go thru difficult stretches in our lives for specific reasons. When we do the same things over and over .... how did Einstein describe it, doing the same things again and again, expecting different results ... believe he called it "Insanity" ... and we have tendencies to stay in the comfort zone of doing the same thing ... because even though it's painful, we know what to expect, we know how something tastes, we know how we feel, and we take something to "short circuit" the pain that comes from the Insanity of it all.
It only improves when you are desperate enough
to break the cycle ... when you shout "ENOUGH!" ... only then will the path change and you find yourself meandering down a road you've never seen before ... I will be perfectly frank with you ... it IS scary ... however, when you take stock, you realize that you're OK ... everything's fine ... and this too shall pass ... and you'll begin moving in a forward motion again ....
It's OK, when it gets scary, and you don't know who to call, take a moment to stop, look around, feel what you're feeling, go outside to stand in nature, let yourself "be" and exhale a few times ... mouth open and make any sounds that feel ok ... you will receive information from within that it is safe to proceed ... trust in yourself ... for
you always know the truth ... the soul is wise and all knowing, have faith in yourself ... I know how this may sound, but for all of my life, I have doubted in myself, have been told "what do you know?" ... and as I stand tall and tell you with great conviction that I DO know ... and always have. I finally BELIEVE IN MYSELF ... when that realization came to me about a month ago, I was
reduced to tears in front of a person I had only met at that moment. I will remember it ... always, for it was so incredibly freeing.
"Believe in Yourself" and guard your belief fiercely as you would a protect a child. Find a safe person to talk to when you are scared, someone who will not judge what you need to express or feel, and it may also be you whom you turn to ... thru art, dance, song, the written word ... do what feels right for you. As nothing else matters.