This past month there were several doorways which offered me opportunities to birth myself in a higher octave of awareness. These sometimes felt like labor pains, great and long … and at other times I was just in awe at the majik happening all around me!
I have been handed another incredible creation which I have included in my personal healthcare toolbox … and I’m 10 days into using it. So it is early for sharing, I am still unsure because I’m in the throes of it as it roto rooters through my body, cleansing and releasing as it goes. It is working on my organs right now as I feel tender. As I looked into the function of the kidneys, I was shocked to find out that their function is to regulate blood pressure. I have been working toward normalizing the blood pressure in my body for 15 years, the last 8 without prescription drugs, sometimes successful and sometimes not so … and yet I have the “knowing” that this is only temporary … I am on a journey to learn more about my body as I twist and turn in the turmoil that comes with healing oneself. I have been working with energy those last 8 years, devouring the learning as each new version comes to me. I’m hungry to learn it all … actually I would liken it to be “starved” to learn it all … and yet it’s not a learning at all … it’s remembering what I already know … from all the times before …
How appropriate that it has been said to “become as water, shift and change and flow and contract and expand and rise and lower yourselves all throughout your day.”
And as a typical human being, having learned to conform and color within the lines of my life, I have tried my darndest to brace myself, hold my breath, close my eyes, plug my ears while singing “lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala” so that I resist … be-ing The Shift, The Change …. The Expansion … ahhh yessssss …
I know what is expected and yet my human-ness takes over and I resist. **chuckling** So I “reset” myself and remember to be gentle with self. Remembering throughout the day to bless all things … the good … and the not so good … for as we bless, it lessens … Remember “Lessening by Blessing”