What AM I doing?
What is it that I wish to accomplish?
The first word that comes to mind is "improvement".
What do I wish to improve?
Me! ... my health, that of my loved ones, anyone who is also looking for the same thing, ... the world!
What is it that I'm doing?
Improving my body ... listening to my intuition ... asking the body what it wants ... asking it "yes/no" questions ...
What is it that floats my boat?
helping others
loving animals
planting/growing things
getting dirty and having fun
spending time with horses
watching babies and young ones
being creative in the kitchen and
baking yummy stuff ...
Why do I do what I do?
Because I want to lead thru example ... If I can do it ... anyone can!
And why do I want to do it?
Because it makes my body feel good and if I can feel good, why can't others also feel great?
♥ Heal the world, spread the love ...
How do I begin to accomplish that? It all begins with me ... So I embarked on a path of finding what is true for me ...
I love baked goods ... I've always said I'd skip a meal for a good cookie. And now I am at the door of realization that this love is not in my highest good.
What does it do?
Well ... it has kept the weight on for one ... created inflammation in my body ... feels like a vicious cycle doesn't it? ... even after over 8 years of searching how my meals should look ...
... notice I said "should"?
That is key! Because the knowledge came from outside of me ... what others said would be my highest good ...
Well ... who made them God? I've spent a lot of time & money trusting and following sources outside of me. This searching might have served more than just figuring things out for myself ... if it can serve to jumpstart your own journey ... maybe all the time, money, effort I've put into this will assist in your story unfolding.
I was on a quest, number 1 to regulate my blood pressure and I now realize I was looking for a product to replace the prescription product that I was letting go. I continued searching for the next best "thing".
And now I see that I thought with my logical mind to find a "pill" would positively regulate my blood pressure. And I realize, by listening to my higher self, that it all begins with diet.
I'm not talking about diet as in an illogical restrictive nutritional food plan. Diet as in "what foods are the most optimum to make this physical body function with ease, joy & glory".
I grew up with the derogative, negative implementation of the word diet from a very early age. Thirty seven years later, I am asking the questions that are unlocking the knowledge within that I have spent countless years ... time & money to find. What rings true for me, and might for you also, are illogical to my ego trying to fit me into a space that I've outgrown. So much expansion that I can no longer believe all that shit that is written and talked about in the majority of diet programs, books, etc... the negative vibrating word diet that continues to control the masses with misinformation. Plus just think of the crazy amounts of money coming from "sugar free", "gluten free", "fat free", etc ... We continue to grow unhealthier as the years go on ... Their income depends on just that!
Hey! ... don't get me wrong .. if there was a pill that would make me healthy while I could still consume almond croissants, cheesecake, pizza, Chinese, Mexican, Italian, Greek etc ... YOU BET! I'd be first in line!
I have not found that yet ... and so it was back to basics:
fresh veggies
fresh fruit
grass fed animal proteins
organic eggs
raw dairy
organic butter
coconut & olive oils
Yes, I'm still working on sugars ... weaning myself off tea so I don't need sugar in my tea. If I have a hankering for something sweet, I resort to a date or two with some almonds ... it works.
I won't lie and tell you I don't often think of shortbread w/ raspberry purree and almond streusel topping --
But the interesting part of this experimentation is that my BODY is NOT craving it.
Did that really come out of my mouth?
Yeahhhh ... I'll tell ya, I'm learning first hand that by not consuming carbs, the vicious cycle of cravings for them has been halted.
And amazingly, I'm feeling full and it's a lasting kinda full feeling ... my body has been fueled! Instead of the feeling of pouring cement into the works.
I'm working on creating my "new" favorite recipes. I've got to have visual appeal
and it has to also be tantalizing to my tastebuds. (check out my resource page to link up to some serious good recipes)
Funny ... when I began taking supplements, I was always attached to a specific outcome ...
"regulating and maintaining a healthy
blood pressure" ...
"melt this weight" ...
Well ... all these years later, after all these lessons, it sure has changed my attachment to the outcome ... I am Radiant ... just the way I am ... I feel great ... just the way I am ... I AM happy ... just the way I am ... There's a peacefulness ... I'm content ... and the number 1 reason I embarked on this trip all those years ago ... is no longer a priority ... for now when it feels like everything else has fallen into place ... being in the flow ... my blood pressure IS is a healthy number "as health professionals say it is" ... and ... Really! Do I even believe that myth anymore???
The side effect is that I've found the perfect diet, for me, and all those other stops along this journey have contributed to my arriving in this place ... and it has been worth it. There are no coincidences ... only lessons ..
How does it get even better than this?
... Stay tuned ...