As always, I pray you are well. First, thank you for those who inquired when my next newsletter would arrive or sent me a “Where’s Maureen” Email.
I’ll briefly share that, and then onto “Accelerated Change Upon Us.”
After teaching “Mastering The God Experience,” I was wiped out, something I wasn’t accustomed to after teaching. It felt as though with each class, through verbal transmissions, deep activations, and the Universal flow pouring through me, ‘We’ were literally opening portals, creating group and global unified fields and lifting density to access the spaces where purified resonance and alignment with the Divine could literally be felt by all.
Within days of completion I was completely unpinned from all life as I was experiencing it and taken, by shock, through life altering, heart altering, mortal mind shattering experiences and into Cosmic portals on yet another deep soulular odyssey, replete with defragging lingering patterns, karmic disconnections and the dissolution of discordancies left of what I refer to as the former me. Sound familiar?
It was a deeply re-arranging period of time wherein I was also told, many things. Amongst them was that lifetime after lifetime and timeline after timeline was coursing through my bodies. The emotions, perceptions and effects of each were to be balanced, accepted and loved by me, for myself and for the all. (This was not told to me until I was in the 7th week of it all.)
I was also informed that every transmission and activation I had been given from Cosmic/Galactic consciousness and taught in “Mastering The God Experience” (and even “Birthing The Heart and Mind of God,”) was now to be Mastered fully through my body, cell by cell and stabilized into the Earth Mother.
Accompanying me through this time were tears, guilt, grief, certainty, uncertainty, vibrations and frequencies that had my body shaking for days on end, extended periods of stillness, loving help and tremendous expanded awareness. I repeatedly heard, “Know thy Self as God, fully. Master yourself as God, completely. Do not stop short, nor rob yourself of any parts of this experience. Perhaps of greatest importance was to “release myself by accepting my own innocence.”
What now? Who knows? (Sound familiar?) In the meantime…
Accelerated Change Upon Us
Between now and the end of September 2015 fasten your seat belts for we are on a comet ride of epic proportion, again. Many more breakdowns, breakthroughs and blessings to come as the world sorts itself out and we sift out the higher, purest parts of Self, integrate them and put them into motion in many spheres of existence.
We are to realize our life, in all of its facets, must now become a sacred walk with Source, with joy, with gratitude, with love and with a true sense of our value and worth. We are asked to fully reflect the codes of God within Our Selves and shine them unto our own creative worlds and the world around us.
As you read this we are in a time (for a limited period of time) of amplified Cosmic support. The Ascended Masters know many have moved into another amplified, quickened dynamic of their re-incarnation requiring additional support as the spiritual seeker meets the Master in the heart's center and is taught to understand and cultivate the nature of God and creation.
The support will lovingly be dispersed to those determined and taking action to emulate God, those taking action to move further out of the dream, hold vibrations that are energy signatures of their Divine Natures, and are willing to know who they are within the Mind of God, particularly their value and worth, as seen through the eyes of God.
Until those aspects are cultivated we are unable to insert ourselves into an elevated understanding (consciousness) and true joy as it relates to our capability of Creation and Co-Creation.
These words I write I know first hand are much easier written and spoken than done, though we are able through Love.
One of the laws of ascension is that we must each unfurl that which is not obvious within us. Remember, you are able through Love.
For any one of us going through another accelerated change, another facet of reconfiguration, please know it is for the sake of birthing Love, without distortion.
We are to remember that the blueprint for the loving creation of a new humanity and new earth lies within each of us. We carried this sacred treasure to earth in our sacred hearts, and it lives in our DNA as the amazing and true story of YOU, of US, and the Christing of a NEW EARTH. Now we must reveal it. There is nothing left to live our lives for.
On whatever days or at whatever stages you feel yourself becoming more loving, more peaceful, neutral, compassionate and balanced, deliver yourself to the Unified field of consciousness. Literally make a ritual and a ceremony of it.
From The Love of God that I Am
From The Light of God that I Am
From The Power of God that I Am
I bring an offering to lay upon the altar for the new world.
Today I bring…… (and then speak aloud whatever you bring; love,
peace, compassion, neutrality, balance etc.)
Thank you for this opportunity.
May this offering bless All.
In gratitude, I am blessed.
The more you become, and the more often you deliver, the ripple effect of your delivery will settle the ‘field’ for all.
Each time you make a delivery you help construct the collective dream of a rarified humanity and a new earth. Soon the accumulated aspects of Higher consciousness will become applied application of whole (Holy) consciousness, and the rebirth will be complete.
Maureen Moss, © 2015. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website maureenmoss.com intact.